Jun 20, 2024

Marisa McNee

Frakture & Mobile Commons: An Attributed Match Made in Cyberspace

At our core, Frakture is always focused on enhancing your visibility and understanding of the data from all your outreach platforms. We’ve been working with our partners at Upland Mobile Commons on a new feature called Attribution Analytics, and we’re excited to launch it publicly today. For clients using Mobile Commons and Frakture, you’ll now see Frakture’s attributed revenue data directly in your Mobile Commons dashboard. For the first time, you’ll be able to see your true attributed revenue statistics right alongside each message in Mobile Commons.

Donation attribution is a hot, but complicated, topic in the nonprofit space. Accurately mapping channels and touchpoints can be challenging, and the cost, effort, and knowledge to do it correctly can seem overwhelming. However, with the right technology partners, nonprofit organizations can crack the code to effective attribution, enabling the accurate measurement of ROI that keeps your stakeholders informed and empowered.

If you’re a Frakture client, you are doing critical work protecting democracy, improving public services, and saving lives - your work matters, and your data matters. Anything we can do to improve your data insight helps you be more effective. That’s what gets us up in the morning. 

The Download on Donation Attribution

Most organizations in our sector are doing their best to measure the effectiveness of their digital engagement strategies. Budgets are tight and can change on a dime, so your strategists need to know the best place to allocate time and money to realize the optimum results.

Automated donation attribution can be a godsend.  You can not only prove the ROI of digital channels quickly and accurately, but you can also understand which channels drive the most return. From there, you’ll know the best places to engage. More than that, you’ll have the data to prove it.

So, what’s the holdup?

The task of trying to match revenue to messages across channels can seem daunting. Some choose the path of least resistance: sticking to manual processes, downloading data by hand and updating spreadsheets, calculating ROI one row of data at a time. This is slow, inaccurate, and doesn’t scale: the worst of all worlds. Others try to automate but choose the wrong methods: Google Analytics is a good example of a commonly-used tool that suffers from major limitations analyzing data from non-web channels.

But there’s no reason to suffer like this. It’s 2024, and we’ve got far better ways of doing things. At Frakture, we’ve developed a proven strategy for revenue attribution. We can deliver attribution data at scale, with far less investment of time and effort, and significantly more accurately than any manual process. We’ve helped hundreds of nonprofit organizations and political agencies demystify their cross-channel connections to return valuable and actionable ROI insights. 

Our founder, Chris Lundberg, started Democracy in Action and Salsa Labs, and our team has seen it all when it comes to data, connectivity, and reporting. Their long tenure in the nonprofit space means they know the challenges organizations experience inside and out.

A lot of nonprofits think it takes in-house data experts or expensive consultants building bespoke data connections. Frakture’s solution is based on data warehousing, standard connections, and consistent data schema. It is inexpensive, scalable, and most importantly, accurate. We’ve had clients find 30%+ more attributed revenue using our methodology compared to relying on the numbers from an ad platform or a CRM.

With Frakture, it’s all about tying data together across communication channels. This is done by syncing data across software solutions, consolidating it in a secure yet flexible data warehouse, then analyzing and resurfacing the data as relevant and actionable reporting. And of course, there is our attribution algorithm, the heart of our data operation.

Relying on third-party revenue reporting means inaccurate data. Our clients rely on our source code-based algorithm to give them accurate data, regardless of cookies, browser settings, or other limitations of outside messaging and donation platforms. Source coding – which most organizations are already using – is key to our process. For organizations that aren’t already using source coding, we’ve developed a lot of best practices and examples that we use to get them started.

In today’s world where cookies are no longer the most effective way of tracking, source codes do the heavy lifting by tracking every message and transaction for powerful revenue reporting. This reduces the need for custom program development and leads to a scalable, simple, and accessible approach to donation attribution.

Breaking the Barriers to Effective Attribution

At the heart of attribution is data, and the ability to connect and track that data effectively, results in accurate and impactful ROI reporting. Part of the reason we love working with the Mobile Commons team is that both of us are committed to and invested in delivering  actionable data, and driving innovation in the sector. 

If you’re a Mobile Commons customer, you’ve already got a built-in mobile CRM that not only manages mobile subscribers, but also collects and stores vital profile data about them. You can easily personalize and target your campaigns and messages. Data-driven outreach makes mobile campaigns more conversational and personal, which helps supporters feel seen and leads to greater engagement and lasting relationships.

Bringing Attribution Analytics to Mobile Commons

Our approach to attribution tracking and unparalleled nonprofit expertise has met its perfect match with Mobile Commons, the leading mobile messaging platform in the industry. By combining forces, we launched Attribution Analytics enabling Mobile Commons platform users to view donation amounts and transaction volumes attributed to each text campaign sent, right within the Mobile Commons dashboard.

Nonprofits can quickly and easily get a snapshot of each text message’s performance and revenue impact. This makes reporting to managers, stakeholders, and the board efficient and straightforward. It also means proving the value of the mobile program down to the dollars and cents. The information presented within the Attribution Analytics dashboard also helps teams determine which messages are the top performers to further optimize mobile campaigns and inform strategic planning and decisions for even greater future results.

Ready to take the next step and embrace the power of data automation and warehousing? Or want to learn more about how Mobile Commons can jumpstart your mobile engagement efforts? Reach out to us for more information or go schedule a demo at info@frakture.com.

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